Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Diary of a Shelter Dog

Before Day 1
I have no name. I have no age. I live in the streets. I know nothing else. I fight for my food every day. Some days, I don’t eat but I can still drink water from the puddles of water in the streets. Sometimes I see my brothers and sisters. My oldest sister already had a litter of six puppies and one of my brothers is dead because he didn’t see a car when he crossed a street. I don’t approach the brown house on the main street anymore. They have two children that once kicked me so hard that I hurt for many days after.

Life is not that bad. I might not eat a lot and my body might itch me a lot but I know how to run from danger.

Day 1
I am scared. So scared. A man dress in a blue uniform ran after me and cornered me. He then threw a funny thing around my neck and put me in a cage, in a truck.

Me, in a cage. Oh... But what will happen to me?

When the truck stopped, my heart was beating as if I had run 2 blocks in the streets where I am from. I felt dizzy and sick.

The man in uniform opened the door and took the cage in his arms. I didn’t understood what he was saying, but the tone of his voice was somehow good for my soul. He put the cage down on a table inside a big building that smelled like fear.

A tall woman approached me and, without looking at me once, she started to talk to the man that had captured me. While she was talking, I smelled her. She didn’t smell bad, or mean.

She smelled calm, happiness, confidence and empathy. I didn’t really know what to do with empathy, but since she didn’t smell like it too much, I didn’t mind. But it didn’t mean that I trusted her. She might hurt me, just like the children did, or give food that would make me sick to my stomach. Just like a man gave me when I was a pup.

I was so scared that I stayed all tensed up when they got me out of the cage. My muscles were hurting me. They touched me, stretched me and poked me. They checked my eyes, my ears and my mouth.

After what seems to be like forever, they put a collar on my neck and, with a leash, they walked me to a huge room, filled with cages and other dogs.

In my new cage, there was a bowl of water (fresh and tasty water, unlike what I usually drink) and a blanket. They gave me some food before they chose the light. The food was much better than anything I ever found in the garbage.

I suddenly felt so alone, surrounded by other dogs.

Alone and frightened. So I barked. And barked and barked.

All night long.

Day 2
I didn’t sleep much last night. But I was warm and the blanket was comfortable. It is a strange feeling to sleep and not be cold.

I was poked again today, with needles this time. I didn’t like it, but the people were nice to me and gave me treats.

Day 5
All day long, there’s people walking by my cage. They stop and look at me. I don’t like it. I stay down in the corner of my cage.

Day 6
They took me in a big white room today. People had masks on their faces. If I could have had, I would have run away.

Day 6 – Later
I felt different when I woke up. I hurt...

Day 9
I know I have something missing, but I don’t know what. And I don’t really care.

Day 10
Somebody took me for a walk! I was so excited to finally be outside! I am afraid that I pulled too much thought.... They didn’t look very happy with me, but to feel and smell the air was wonderful!

Day 12
I get sad, lonely and scared sometimes. I miss the liberty I had while I was outside. At least now, I have food, water and a warm shelter.

Day 14
I don’t know how long I will be here, or what is going to happen to me. I bark a lot because I am bored. The people are nice to me.

Day 15
I meet a family today. They are the first people I liked. I am still scared. They have a little boy and I can’t help but thinking he will kicked me too.

Day 16
The family I meet yesterday? They left with another dog. It made me realize that I really wanted to be that dog. I want to belong, even if I am scared. Maybe there will be another family...

Day 18
I didn’t asked to be here. I did nothing wrong.

Could today be the day my life will change? They took me to an “adoption day” and I meet so many new people! For the first time of my life, I got touched with respect by loving people. I learned that I don’t like people that are afraid of me. It makes me aggressive.

Day 26
I don’t know what is going to happen after yesterday. I can’t help it but bark because I am anxious.

Day 30
Today, was last day as a this cage! A nice family with not one, but TWO children came and took me to their car! I am still scare a little, but I can see in their eyes that they love me. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about.. dog paw washer
