Monday, September 13, 2010

Which toy should I buy?

(taken from September 9th, 2010)

For those owned by a dog, buying a toy can be brain-wracking. What toy to buy? How much money to spend on it? Which one, if broken, is less dangerous? Which one is less toxic? The questions, and choices, are endless.
But for any toys, there are some requirements that we, as owned by dogs, must follow if we want our dog to live long and healthy.
  1. Buy a toy that is appropriate for your dog’s size. Don’t buy a Yorkshire terrier’s toy for a Retriever Labrador. What will most likely happen is that the Lab will swallow the toy.
  2. Make sure you don’t buy toys that are toxic. Don’t hesitate and read the components of the toys. If there is words you don’t know about, or if you are not certain, do some researches, ask questions.
  3. Do not let your dog chew on a toy without supervision. An adult should always supervise play time, should it be with another dog or with a toy.
  4. Dispose of any/all toy/s that is/are broken.
  5. Train your dog so he will let you to take the toy from his mouth, without him growling/barking/biting you.
  6. Don’t believe everything that is written on the toy’s package. Ask questions and make your own opinions.
Even the most indestructible toy can be destroyed by a focused dog.
broken toy cute bella
Here is a toy that is, usually, indestructible. However, Bella destroyed it in less than fifteen minutes.
Elk antlers last a very long time and dogs can chew on them for hours, while you are watching TV and they lie at your feet. They are not toxic because they are a natural resources and they are beneficial to your dog's health.
Make the change. You, and your dog, can only benefit from it!

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