Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jake and Bella Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa, 

This year for Christmas, we have a very specific wish list. Oh, of course, we still want bones and food, but we heard about so many other dogs that are in need, that we wish you can help them before you send us treats.

This year for Christmas, we would like:
  •  That EVERY puppy mills be found illegal (particularly in Amish country, in PA);
  •  That Schultz’s Law be extended to all the United States;
  • That NO dogs be left chained outside in the cold (and not so cold) days of winter and/or the hot (and not so hot) days of summer;
  • That no more dog food company have recalls for bad food ;
  •  That every dog see a vet, at least once a year to get their yearly shots;
  • That no more dogs go to the Rainbow Bridge because they were starved or beaten;
  • NO more dog abuse;
  • An Animal-Abuser Registry, in all the United States (for the Michael Vick and Kimberly Nizato alike) so that it become illegal for them to own another dog;
  • That the Law do more than frown upon animal abuse and takes real steps to punish the offenders.
And of course, if you still have time after that, you could convince mommy and daddy to give us more food, because after all, we are the furry-babies of the family.

Jake and Bella

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