Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Special Request : Please donate to a Rescue for the New Year

I first wanted to write this blog to ask you, Green Dog readers, to donate to a rescue group of your region.

I then started to think about Elmore, the rescue where we adopted Bella (read her story here), our mutt, and I knew I had to talk to you more about the rescue and about Bella.

Elmore is a no-kill shelter and the number of dogs they rescue is always on the rise.

Not only do they rescue strays, but they save abused dogs and nurtured them back to health.

At this moment, they do not only need the basic necessities, they NEED to built a bigger run for the bigger dogs, so they have can have a place to run and play.

Please visit the rescue here, to know more about it. And don't hesitate to donate. Even if it is a little, a $2 or a $5, it will help them. 

A Quick Story on How We Adopt Bella
Before adopting Bella, we never considered rescuing a mutt. We only envision having a pure race dog, knowing exactly what breed we would pick up.

But life happened and one day, we drove up to a rescue and fell in love with a cute mutt that was called Nervous Nellie. She had been picked up in the streets a week earlier and was very nervous. We spent time with her and the staff of the rescue, who taught us how to act around a wild dog and how body language was important.

Before we could bring her back home, Nervous Nellie had to be spayed and get all her shots. Only after where we able to go and pick her up.

A week later, when we picked her up, she was all cleaned up and ready to start her new life with us. We changed her name for Bella (because it was the only name everybody could agree on) and, surprise, she answered to it immediately. I am not saying that life is easy when adopting a rescue dog, but it is so rewarding. Bella is a bundle of love. She loves nothing more than hang out with her human family and she spends so much time on her back, hoping for a little scratch.

We would never give her up. She is not only ours, but we are hers.

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