Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge-Week 2

And so we are in our second week of the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge and I must say, I must be honest here, I actually saw a significant difference in my dogs.

You already know, after reading my post about how I switched to Eukanuba, how good my dogs are doing.

We realized there was a change when, last weekend, my husband and I were watching the dogs playing outside. They run, jump and play like they haven't done it in months. It took us a moment before realizing that they haven't gone crazy, they just have more energy.

The more the dirty, the more the tasty - Jake's motto
More energy often equals more mischief! Jake got back to his old way, stealing dirty socks and sneaking up (or trying to) on my lap, even as I am trying to type this post.

The other good thing about having dogs that have more energy is that since they play so much more, they sleep more and their sleep is deeper than usual. Which means that sleep is more relaxing, allowing their bodies to recharge better.
And Bella snores...

Stay tuned for more updates on the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge!

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